
Code Genie - Full Stack App Generator
Starting a new software project? Check out Code Genie - a Full Stack App Generator that generates source code based on your project's data model. Including:
- A React Next.js Web App hosted on Amplify Hosting
- Serverless Express REST API running on API Gateway and Lambda
- Cognito User Pools for Identity/Authentication
- DynamoDB Database
- Cloud Development Kit (CDK) for Infrastructure as Code (IAC)
- Continuous Integration/Delivery (CI/CD) with GitHub Actions
- And more!

AWS SAM - Serverless Application Model
Engineering lead
SAM is an open-source framework and AWS service for defining Cloud-Native Serverless applications as infrastructure as code (IAC). I led the engineering team responsible for designing and implementing new features, responding to customers’ GitHub Issues and Pull Requests, and deploying and operating the service. I designed and implemented the CD pipeline, metrics, and team processes to improve the operational excellency and performance of the team and product.

Creator, maintainer, engineering and product lead
aws-serverless-express is a library for running [Express]( and other Node.js web frameworks onServerless AWS usingLambda andAmazon API Gateway. The project is used by thousands ofAWS customers for running production applications of all scales, has over 5k stars on GitHub, and is downloaded over 800k times a month on NPM.
I was responsible for the inception, implementation, maintenance, support, documentation, releases, and growth for this product. You can see my blog post on the AWS Compute Blog) as well as a blog post by Jeff Barr.
AWS Serverless Application Repository
Founding member; senior engineer
The Serverless Application Repository is an AWS service enabling customers to publish serverless applications, tools, and plugins that can then be deployed into other AWS accounts. As a founding and senior member of the team, I had significant input on defining team processes and the design of the service.
As Scrum Master for this Agile team, I organized sprints, prioritized roadmaps/backlog, ran sprint planning and retrospective meetings, and was responsible for the overall success of each sprint. I worked with Product Managers to design new features for the service based on customer feedback and was the engineering lead for the UI.

Amazon API Gateway
UI engineering lead; launch member
Amazon API Gateway allows customers to define HTTP/REST APIs to interface with various integrations (primarily, Lambda). I led the development of the UI for this service and helped modernize UI development within the organization by providing guidance on modern web development techniques (ECMAScript 6+, Webpack, automated testing, etc.) to teams such as Lambda and Cognito.

@middy/sqs-partial-batch-failure is a Lambda middleware for handling SQS partial batch failures in AWS Lambda.
Community Services .NET
Engineering lead
Community Services .NET (CSnet) is a startup focused on delivering Case Management Software to Human Services organizations. I assisted with the overall design and architecture of the system, led the development of the UI, and worked with customers to define their product requirements.
Based on gatsby-starter-hero-blog byGreg Lobinski. Powered byGatsby and deployed and hosted on AWS usingAmplify.